Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Informal International Partners

Members of the IPSO team have several international collaborations

  • the group of S. Jin (university of Wisconsin, US).

  • the group of W. Bao (university of Singapore).

  • G. Vimart (university of Geneva, Swizerland).

  • the group of A. Ostermann (university of Innsbrück).

  • the SNS of Pisa (G. Da Prato).

  • several US universities: Maryland (S. Cerrai), Chicago (C. Sparber), Colorado (O. Pinaud),

Participation in Other International Programs

  • A. Crestetto is involved in the project PHC PROCOPE "Hétérogénéités Fortes dans les Modèles d'Ecoulement Fluide".